As a seasoned Challenger League of Legends player with seven years of experience, I've coached over 500 clients and played for multiple professional teams. Today, I'll share my expertise to help you consistently achieve an S rank and maximize your Blue Essence and Champion Mastery points in your games.
Why Strive for an S Rank?
An S rank showcases your exceptional performance in a match and often results in accolades from your teammates, faster champion mastery progress, and access to coveted cosmetic upgrades. It will even give you more lol level up rewards. Let's dive into the factors that influence your skill rating and the strategies to attain an S rank more frequently.
Factors Impacting Your Skill Rating
KDA (Kills, Deaths, Assists): A positive KDA is crucial for a high skill rating. Aim for more kills and assists while minimizing deaths.
KPA (Kill Participation): Avoid idling through the game with no kills or deaths, as a low kill participation will negatively impact your rating.
Creep Score (CS): Your CS is compared to your teammates and opponents in your designated role, and is especially important for roles that require effective farming.
Vision Score: Placing and destroying wards is vital for setting up objectives, coordinating ganks, and leading your team to victory. Higher vision scores contribute to better skill ratings.
Objective Score: Participate in securing Dragons, Barons, and destroying towers to maximize your objective score.
Chat Activity: While chat behavior doesn't directly impact your skill rating, maintaining a positive attitude and avoiding flaming can still benefit your overall game experience.

Tips for Achieving an S Rank
Minimize Deaths: Avoid unnecessary risks and don't follow teammates into unfavorable situations. Focus on farming and strengthening your champion while keeping deaths to a minimum.
Be Proactive: Seize opportunities to make plays, secure kills, and deny resources to your opponents. Control the game rather than falling victim to enemy aggression.
Prioritize Vision: Place and destroy wards, eliminate blue flowers, and deny enemy vision with control wards and red trinkets. Proper vision control can make your lane virtually ungankable.
Opt for Quality over Quantity: Play fewer games with higher focus, and ensure you're in an ideal environment with minimal distractions. Maintain a positive mindset and avoid playing when fatigued or frustrated.
To consistently achieve an S rank in League of Legends, focus on improving your performance in each of the factors that contribute to your skill rating. Implement the tips shared in this guide and aim for continuous improvement, and you'll be well on your way to mastering your champion and reaping the rewards that come with it. If you don't want to bother with trying to get your S in every game, we can do that for you with our League Of Legends Boosting service.