Given that Teamfight Tactics is a game ruled by RNG and small decisions that end up making a large impact in the end, it’s sometimes difficult to stay calm. However, maintaining a positive mentality in a tough game can be a difference-maker between winning and losing LP. That’s why we’ve prepared a perfect article if you’re struggling to keep your mind straight in a tough game.
Take frequent breaks
When comparing TFT to poker, both games require players to make complex decisions that are based on the outcomes of random events. Those random events, however, shouldn’t dissuade you from making the right decisions because of tilting. One of the best ways to manage your tilt is to increase your general mental stability. The best way to do this is to make frequent breaks after every game that you feel tilted after. By taking a break and doing something that you enjoy apart from playing the game, you will reset your mind and be able to queue for another game.
Play your games in sets
One of the best methods which is often used by top professional players to maintain your tilt is to divide your playing sessions into sets of games. What we mean by that is to play your games in a best of 3 or a best of 5 formats and keep playing depending on your performance. If you win 2 of 3 or 3 or 5 games (depending on the format you’ve chosen), you keep playing. Otherwise, you should stop playing because you’ll start tilting and playing poorly.
Stretching is very underrated and overlooked when it comes to maintaining tilt and you should always stretch frequently during your playing sessions. Given that TFT is not a game that requires you to be consistently active, you have a lot of time between rounds that you can use for stretching. Additionally, stretching is recommended after losing a game or dying, which can induce a large spike in tilt.

Breathing exercises
Breathing exercises are a common method of calming yourself down after a stressful situation, so there is no surprise why this is one of the best ways to reduce tilt in TFT. The most common breathing exercise which is recommended is the standard 4 seconds inhale, 4 seconds hold, and 5 seconds exhale. However, the Wim Hof breathing exercise became extremely popular in recent times as well due to its calming effect.
Learn from your mistakes and don’t be scared to lose
One of the major issues in TFT is that we all feel pressured to play better and improve with every game. It's critical to understand that losing can still have extreme value if we try very hard to analyze our mistakes. This is the reason why so many professional teams will replay their gameplay for hours following scrims. What went wrong with their gameplay and where did they succeed? Sometimes taking a step back and doing some constructive analysis is the answer to all of your issues and accepting defeat isn’t so bad.